What is Postpartum care?

What is Postpartum care?

출산 후, 평생의 건강이 좌우되는 중요한 시기인 산욕기(분만종료 후 6-8주간)에 산후조리 관리를 위한 산모 영양, 건강관리, 신생아 돌보기 등 전문교육수료와 오랜 경험으로 산모님이 가정에서 편안하게 신생아 케어및 임신 전 이전의 상태에 가깝도록 회복을 도와주는 산후관리 서비스를 제공하는 전문인입니다.

Qualifications of Postpartum Caregivers

  • Strong sense of service and hygiene (ages 40-60)
  • Experience in childbirth and childcare, completion of postpartum caregiver training
  • Free from contagious diseases (hepatitis, tuberculosis)
  • Vaccinations: Tdap, flu shot
    COVID-19 testing and vaccination

Caregiver Guidelines

  • Help mothers recover quickly for a return to normal life
  • Respect and prioritize mothers' wishes
  • Treat newborns with care and respect
  • Adhere to work hours and hygiene standards
  • No additional fees beyond the specified rates
  • Refrain from medical practices
  • Maintain confidentiality
  • Follow company rules
  • Inform Mom Helper USA of any extended service request

Service Types and Work Forms

Long-Distance/Out-of-State Service

Due to the nature of the service, the duration, consecutive weekend work, and other conditions can be adjusted in advance with the caregiver. Additionally, all round-trip transportation costs (airfare, baggage fees, gas, transportation fees, etc.) must be paid separately.
