Other Services
기타 서비스 타입
엄마의 마음으로 사랑하는 자녀들이 엄마의 빈 자리를 느끼지 않도록 보살펴드립니다.
We provide age-appropriate activities, meal and snack preparation, bathing, and pickups to ensure the safety and well-being of your children.
Age-Specific Services
- 0세 – 2세 : 아기에 관련된 일(수유, 이유식 준비, 식사/간식 준비, 젖병 소독, 아기 옷 세탁 및 정리, 아기 방/아기용품 관리) 등이 주된 업무이며 가사활동은 이용자와 사전 협의에 의해 조정합니다.
- 3세 – 학생 : 각 연령층에 맞는 놀이, 간식/식사 준비, 목욕(옵션), 픽업 등이 주된 업무이며, 가사활동은 이용자와 사전 협의에 의해 조정합니다.
가사 도움
We provide assistance with house cleaning, laundry, organizing, kitchen cleaning, and meal preparation by visiting your home.
Types of Household Helpers
- 가사 도움 : 이용자의 가정을 방문하여 음식준비외 집안청소, 세탁, 정리정돈, 주방 정리 등을 도와 드립니다.
- 청소 도움 : 가정집, 오피스 청소 혹은 이사 전후 청소해 드립니다.
- 음식 도움: 천연 조미료를 이용한 엄마표 식사 준비해 드립니다.
Caregiver Service
We assist patients at home, in hospitals, or nursing homes in place of guardians and family members.
- Cleaning: Patient’s room, bathroom, and other used spaces
- Meal/Snack Preparation: For the patient
Laundry: Patient's gowns, clothes, bed sheets, towels - Walking and Exercise
- Personal Care Support: Bowel and bladder care, bathing, grooming
- Services vary according to patient needs
Types of Caregivers
- Personal Caregiver:
Live-in, Commute (Full-time, Part-time), Overnight, Short-term - IHSS Caregiver:
Adjusted based on the monthly service hours of IHSS beneficiaries.
Service Types and Work Forms
- 9 am – 5 pm (Mon-Fri)
- Or as per the client’s preferred schedule
- For full-time care, a 1-hour break is included daily.
Live-In Type
- Live-in services from Monday to Friday
- The schedule can be adjusted by agreement.
- A daily 3-hour break is included.
Long-Distance/Out-of-State Service
- Due to the nature of the service, the service period, weekend work, and other con
Additional Information
- Tasks unrelated to the agreed-upon duties or caregiver’s responsibilities (e.g., babysitting, preparing/picking up meals for other family members, entertaining guests, making kimchi, major cleaning) cannot be requested.
- Notify us about the presence or planned installation of cameras in the home.
- If there are changes after starting work (e.g., changes in working hours, additional workdays, changes in duties), contact and discuss with us.
- Medication: Only physician-prescribed medication will be administered; OTC drugs/supplements are provided after discussing with the family.
Notify the family if packaging is damaged or if medication is expired. - Patch Use: Only those prescribed by a physician
- You must inform us in advance of the guardian/family contact information, the patient's medical check-up schedules, hospital/primary care physician contact information, allergies (food, medication), and other important details.